
The end of the sun
The end of the sun

the end of the sun

In other words, the self-regulating mechanism that keeps main-sequence stars so stable (hydrostatic equilibrium) is turned off in electron-degenerate matter. As I noted when I was discussing quantum mechanics, electron-degenerate matter behaves more like a liquid than a gas when you heat it: its temperature swiftly rises, but it doesn't expand. However, unlike when the Sun was young and its core contained normal matter, adding more heat to the electron-degenerate helium does not cause it to expand and cool. When the temperature in the core reaches about 100 million degrees, the helium will begin to fuse into carbon by a reaction known as the triple-alpha process, because it converts three helium nuclei into one carbon atom.

the end of the sun

And roughly 1.2 billion years after it leaves the main sequence, at the height of its glory as a red giant, the center of the helium core of the Sun will become sufficiently massive, dense, and hot that something amazing will happen: within a matter of minutes, it will ignite and burn.

the end of the sun

The temperature and pressure in the Sun's core will soar to 10 times their current values. It is an odd paradox: even as the outer layers of a red giant star are expanding into a huge but tenuous cloud, its inner core is contracting down to form a buried white dwarf. As the helium "ashes" continue to pile up at its center, a higher fraction of them turn electron-degenerate. The beginning of the end for a red giant the mass of our Sun occurs very suddenly.

The end of the sun